The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Back after a long hiatus

Yes, I'm still alive :) barely.

I got a nice note from hissandtell, asking me to come back, so I guess I should at least post something, given she's one of my favorite diarists!

First of all, I managed to snag a passing influenza bug a while back. Not the, "oh it's just the flu" type of annoying bug, but the real thing, apparently. And it seems to really like me because it won't go away, even after 2 rounds of Zithromax and just about all the hot tea in China, nearly a week off work, off and on, and several doctor visits (that usually scares bugs off).

Now, when I'm not feeling well, I either sleep, read, or play on the computer. And I've been doing all 3. But when my mind isn't working all that clearly, it's difficult to write with any sense of, well ... sense. Emails and trying to save up my lucid moments for work have pretty well been using up my sensible and intelligible quotas.

I'll try to do better, really.

Now, with the holidays (which started back with Thanksgiving, when Round Two of the Flu started), I expect my time will be limited as well, if only due to having to rest up between spurts of activity.

We got our tree yesterday ... went to three different places to find it (I'm picky about the Christmas Tree I get, much to Partner's chagrin and annoyance) and got a beautiful, full, Balsam Fir. To me that represents the old fashioned Yule sort of tree, although I also love the floofy White Pines and Scotch Pines that we've gotten the previous couple of years. Partner managed to whittle (shred) down the trunk to fit in the base, which is surrounded by his train set, so that was a real chore. I suspect we'll decorate it tomorrow or tonight. It smells wonderful (when my sinuses let me detect any scent at all that is).

Speaking of Floofy, FloofyQ is doing well. After months and months of tests and dollars the Vet got yet another reading he couldn't explain, called the lab, and was told "oh yes! That reverse result also indicates Leptospirosis so she probably had it and is getting over it" ... well... great. When she was sick he couldn't do anything, now she's over it and he had to call the Health Department to report it and got all commanding and firm about it. So they called me and sent me a form about the disease (how to avoid it? Don't touch wet ground; don't touch water from creeks, lakes, streams; don't swim, canoe, or raft; basically don't go outside, where you MIGHT come in contact with ANYthing ANY animal MIGHT have urinated on) ... really ticked me off. So now she's fine but the Health Department is going to want a firm diagnosis of it being totally gone, and that means MORE tests. He and I are going to have words if it gets to that point. I've already spent nearly $1000USD trying to find out what was ailing her, and I'm not spending any more unless she's sick. And she stopped being sick a while ago.

D-Dog, on the other paw, went fishing with Partner a while back. He loves to stand on the prow (is that the front?) and let his ears flap in the wind as Partner zooms along with the outboard. (side note: I sent gnomad a clip of this once ... it was hilarious) He's always managed to be just fine. But Partner doesn't believe in getting his (D-Dog's that is) claws trimmed on a regular basis so D-Dog managed to slip, fall off the boat, go UNDER the boat, miraculously miss the motor, and come up behind ... Partner about had a heart attack, he said. Then later, he looked down and D-Dog had gotten one of his treble hooked lures on his paw, and in the ensuing melee, got it then attached to his lip (the dog) ... so there was some minor surgery involved and Partner lost his favorite lure. But D-Dog was a good patient and laid there mostly quietly with very little squirming and let Partner remove the lure.

I found all this out about 3 days AFTER they got home, you understand. When it was obvious D-Dog was just fine.

And that's about it, or at least as much of "it" as I can remember right now.

So are you happy now Lady Hiss? :) I have SO much catching up to do on a bunch of diaries ... This is the last week before break. Then I have two whole weeks off, in which to work myself ragged preparing for the holidays ... happy happy joy joy!! Maybe I can finagle Partner into doing all the work. I DID buy him a really nifty vacuum that he can carry around on his back, with all the attachments. He asked for it! Really!


Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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