The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


4 more years

You know, I really respect and admire Kerry for conceding in such a close race. It shows he cares about the country enough to want to avoid a repeat of 2000, especially with the country so politically polarized right now. It shows he�s a good loser and has dignity and honor.


Unfortunately, one of the things the exit polls say people like about Bush is that he has �stick-to-it-iveness� � and conceding just confirmed (for them) that Kerry doesn�t have that quality.

Furthermore, I assume that his concession means they won�t bother counting up all the absentee and provisional ballots. So what message does that send to those people? Their vote doesn�t count? And why should they count them if Kerry conceded? Having done so, it�s not like he can go back and say �oh wait � 51% of Ohio does want me? Forget it Bush I�m in.�

Those polls also seem to say that 70% of the Shrubbites are white, gun-toting, (Christian) church-going (�at least once a week�) people who make over $40,000 a year, don�t believe a woman should have final say in decisions about her own body, and feel that somehow gay marriages are a threat to their own marriage. Now is it just me, or are we becoming a nation of rich, white male supremacists named Bubba?

Oh wait � the polls also say Hispanic women with no college voted for Bush. Guess that means they actually like stubborn white men with metric buttloads of testosterone.

Either that, or women with no higher education don�t know any better.

Yeah I�m just rambling. But DAYUM.


*just holds her head in her hands and whimpers*

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance (while you still can)
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