The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Sudden Bursts of Activity ...

I guess I�ve just become too complacent � this sudden burst of activity is something that was commonplace when I was younger (and before I was sucked into my computer, first by AOL, then by EQ and more recently DLand and just because �).

Last night some coworkers joined Partner and me at a concert hall to see Emmylou Harris. It was quite enjoyable, and I really can�t say whether it was excellent or not because I really like ELH and anything in which she�s singing is fine by me. I wasn�t all that enamored of the guy with whom she�s been traveling for the past several years. I much preferred the Nash Ramblers. But she was still awesome.

But that meant I didn�t get home until nearly midnight, all fired up from the concert, and 5 hours to go before I had to get up and get ready for work this morning. And this after an 11 hour day Thursday.

And today, we�re going to a Zoo Parents� picnic at the Zoo this evening, so I�ll be taking more pictures. As soon as I get them pared down enough to post, I will.

Then, there are 2 Pow Wows in the area this weekend. I will probably go to one of them myself, since Partner just informed me he was going fishing and leaving Saturday morning, not returning till Sunday evening. Normally, this would mean an EQ weekend extravaganza but I really do want to go to one of those Pow Wows, as it�s been a long time since I�ve been to one. I used to go to any and all that were going on in a 3 hour drive time radius of my home. And now I also have a decent camera for that, too.

Then Monday, it�s back to work again. With the annual Bonfire and Homecoming weekend coming up. So we�ll be busy.

All in all I can�t complain.

Mitakuye Oyasin

Walk in Balance

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