The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


The things you see on the highway ...

This morning's commute was entertaining, to say the least.

About halfway here, I saw a powder blue '53 Chevy, tooling down the road at a sedate 60 mph (the speed limit here, which no one observes).

That right there brought back memories, as we had a brown '53 Chevy as I was growing up and that's the car in which I learned how to drive. It was also the car in which I had my first fender bender. And believe me, in that car, anything short of a head-on with a freight train was "just a fender bender" LOL.

Anyway, in this powder blue '53 Chevy was just one couple: a dapper older man and a woman who appeared young enough to be his daughter, perhaps, whose hair was dark and in a pony tail.

On the back window was a decal going all the way across:

"This car is traveling Old Route 66 from Illinois to California"

I smiled all the rest of the way to work.

Now that's the kind of thing I like to see on the road!

I hope they write a book when they're done. Steinbeck's Travels With Charley was always one of my favorite reads.

And speaking of that book ... have you noticed how, as long ago as that book was written, the issues and complaints he addressed haven't changed much? They've changed in scope, and in sheer size and numbers (i.e. the mom-and-pop stores being put out by the chain stores), but basically, the issues are still the same, 50 years later.

It both saddens me that we still have the same problems, and heartens me that we haven't changed much.

Mitakuye Oyasin

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