The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Raccoons in the night

What Flavour Are You? Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.

I am bitter and twisted. Expect from me acerbic humour and sharp commentary. While I may seem nasty at first, I'm actually quite good company if I like you, so long as you don't mind a bit of cutting to the chase. What Flavour Are You?

Thank you, squirrelx, for that little survey!

Now, what am I doing up still at almost 4am, you might ask? Especially since it's now been almost 22 hours since I got up?

Good damn question.

I was playing EverQuest, of course. I died a lot. Then gnomad showed up and we went and got him some levels for his warrior.

And here I am.

I thought I was sleepy. I am sleepy.

I just can't sleep.

The raccoons are keeping me awake.

Well, not the raccoons, themselves. They're actually rather quiet, in a raccoony sort of way. But the dogs reacting to the raccoons. That's what's keeping me awake.

D-Dog and Floofy Cubed are nothing less than admirable guard dogs. They're making damn sure no miscreant raccoon gets in here to molest their pack leaders.

And since they sleep all day, they couldn't care less that I can't sleep now.


Back to the pillow for another round.

Mitakuye Oyasin

(especially raccoons)

Walk in Balance

(raccoons do this rather well)

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