The Eclectic Musings of Ravyncrow


Musical Melancholic Musings

For some reason I feel a tad melancholy today. No reason, just that kinda mood.

Been listening to Emmy Lou Harris and John Denver (yeah I like �em � wanna make something of it? Heh), and I tell ya� � it�s tragic that JD is gone. Tragic in a number of ways, actually.

What is it with so many (it seems) noteworthy people (especially musicians) dying on airplanes?

Anyway, about the melancholy.

I do get that way at times. I�m sure hormones have a lot to do with it, of course. Don�t they always? But there are a few songs that always do that to me. And yeah, most are "country" songs.

So shoot me, gnomad! Hehehe.

I can�t listen to either Dolly Parton song, I Will Always Love You or She�s a Sparrow When She�s Broken, and an Eagle When She Flies. At ALL. I cry. Always. The first reminds me of my ex, with whom I�m still friends (that will never change) but occasionally miss. And the second my mother, who died almost 2 years ago. She was like that.


Then John Denver, singing Don�t Close Your Eyes, Tonight. sometimes I can play it over and over and sing along. Other times I sing along while crying. Not sure why that is. I'm sure not crying for me. Or am I? Guess I just feel supremely guilty on that one.

And then I just get to thinking of all those other songs:

Garth Brooks, doing a ballad I love, Lonesome Dove. Then I start getting defiant and all, listening to ol� Garth singing Standing Outside the Fire or The River.

But right now I�m contemplating the meaning of a phrase that has been nagging at me for days now. It�s from a Mary Chapin Carpenter song, and I have a *feel* for what it means, but when you break it down, it doesn�t make sense. I don�t recall the song, but the line is "...before the road less taken becomes the path of least resistance".

It sounds so profound, and I have no idea what it means. I mean, I know what it means, but *sigh*

Anyway, that�s my random musical thoughts for the moment.

Just had a brief break here at the Lion�s Den.

Mitakuye Oyasin

(even country music artists)

Walk in Balance.

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